How Would Practice Look If You Never Had To Worry About Where Your Next 'New Patient' Was Coming From?

Learn how to transform your practice members into raving fans who refer.

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Referred Patients Are Always Preferred Because They...

      ✅​ Have realistic expectations

      ✅​ Already trust you

      ✅​ Are more compliant

      ✅​ Will stick around longer

      ✅​ Will more likely have great results

      ✅​ Will refer other high quality people

If HOPING THAT PEOPLE REFER is YOUR strategy of attracting referrals then you’re missing out on up to 20-30 referral opportunities every week.

(That’s at least what the average attendee of our Inspiring Referrals Workshop tells us after spending a day learning how to harness the power of Word of Mouth into their own practice.)

What would 20-30 referred patients every week mean to you?

The Art of Inspiring Referrals Teams Workshop

Gold Coast

Saturday, August 31st


Recognise Referrals

✅​ Learn how to recognise a true referral opportunity when it happens and move seamlessly into actioning it without any issue?

'Ninja' Train People To Refer

✅​ Subtly train your existing patients to refer quality people without ever asking them to?

Authentic Growth

✅​ How to find out what people are saying about you AND then use that to explode your practice?

The Signature Experience

✅​ What is your signature experience? Craig shares one of his signature experiences and guides you to create your own authentic version.

Harry Potter Spells

✅ ​Learn the “Magic Words” of inspiring referrals without sounding like a car salesman.

Seeding & Harvesting

✅​ Understand the art of timing, seeding, and then harvesting referrals.

Avoid Referral Regret

✅​ Sleep well knowing that you've avoided that horrible feeling, of knowing that you SHOULD HAVE acted on a referral and now it's lost forever.

Understand What Makes People Refer

✅​ Get insight into what makes a person refer and leverage it.

Different > Better

✅​ Why different beats better every day of the week and what it takes to be so.

Overcome Obstacles

✅​ Learn the top obstacles to people referring and how to overcome them. By the way, they’re not cost and distance as most expect.


Referral Procedures

✅​ Learn how to use proven procedures that you can implement within any practice with your team.


Empower Your CAs to Become Referral Machines 

✅​ Bring your team and you'll have more referrals than you ever thought possible.


Attract Pre-Qualified People

Referred patients are preferred.

They will pay whatever it costs, and travel however far it is, to receive your services. Better still, they will also refer others.

Break Free From The Need To Advertise

Reduce your reliance on advertising to fill your appointment books. Enjoy the benefits of having PEOPLE SEEK YOU out rather than the other way around.

Find Practice Easier

When you are not worried about where your next new patient is coming from, it becomes easier to form bonds and better care for those you already serve.

The Art of Inspiring Referrals - Gold Coast August 31

👆 Early Bird Discount Closes In 👆









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All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Referral-Based Practice

You will learn a whole list of strategies that will get your practice members to refer others to you- all without ever asking them to. No matter your practice style, these are tried, tested and work here in Australia

Effective & Easy To Implement

There's never been a more effective workshop than this to increase your internal referrals. Whether you've been in practice 5 mins or 40 years you will be able to create change immediately.

Don't Miss This Opportunity!

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About Dr Craig Foote

Craig is a chiropractor with over 25 years experience. He has one of the most successful practices in Perth Western Australia, attracting Patients from all over the state. He is a co-founder of the Nervana Chiropractic Group. He is the founder and coach of Chiropractic Flight School - a coaching service for chiropractors. He is the immediate Past President of the Australian Spinal Research Foundation and has won awards in both business and philanthropic achievements. He has been a chiropractor to The Wiggles since 2002.

Michelle (Chiro)

“I love how interactive it was. And also learning lots of different strategies to implement in different scenarios and practice. To get more people into the practice absolutely recommend coming.” 

Brandon (Physio)

“Eager to tell my coworkers at my job to come in not just chiro’s, but other health professionals for the same reasons just to, for them to look from a different perspective and see, there's a lot of little things in practice that you can do to make a big difference.”

Daniel (Chiro)

“My favourite part was just how interactive the session was. It really got to be a hands on knowledge, few different different activities that you could get with and also you can just really understand this like a newish clinician to practice. But it's a lot of different things you could take away that isn't quite taught at university. I definitely recommend it. We even had some people here that were 10-15 years out.”

Jenny (Chiro)

“So I wanted to get some, just some tactics and just some tips that I can take back to the team to generate referrals without having to go down that path (Advertising). I absolutely recommend coming. This was awesome. Definitely bring your whole team and it's a really good thing to take back to the office and then design some activities.” 

Nicole (CA)

“We brought obviously a doctor and CA. I think it's great that we both went through that. I think listening to everyone and what they have gone in their practice and getting together and sort of brainstorming coming up with ideas, tried and tested”

Evelyn (New Grad Chiro)

“I'm very fresh into this field, just practicing for two months. And Craig actually taught me a lot of stuff and was very, very helpful especially for referrals.” 

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